Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens: BFF’s Forever
I love Neil Gaiman. American Gods, Sandman, Coraline, Neverwhere. His books span so many genres: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, graphic novels, children’s books. But when I think about Gaiman’s writing, it’s the quiet beauty that strikes me.
Good Omens is a great example of this. The story of an unlikely friendship between an angel and a demon, Omens is one of the best bromances out there.
Then there’s a little gem called Chivalry. I’ve encountered this short story in several anthologies.
Normally I skip stuff I’ve read before, but I can’t do it with Chivalry.
Reading it makes me feel warm inside. I won’t give the premise away. Let’s just say it’s the story of a retiree who finds something very valuable in a thrift store. An object an ambitious young man seeks. Instead of taking it from her, he visits the old woman every day to convince her to part with it. And every day, she asks for help around the house.
Their relationship is defined by small acts of kindness. He moves boxes for her in the attic and helps with the gardening. She fixes him tea and makes sure his horse has water and food. They talk about their lives as they work. At the end of every day, the old woman gives her helper small gifts: “some cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches wrapped in greaseproof paper”, “a large slice of fruitcake, along with a banana and a slice of processed cheese.”
When the chores are finally done, the woman gives her visitor the thing he seeks.
Their parting scene is as sweet and poignant as the rest of the tale.
“She went up on tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
Meeting The Master During His Norse Mythology Tour
‘You’re a nice boy,” she said. ‘You take care of yourself.’
He hugged her and she shooed him out of the kitchen, and out of the back door, and she shut the door behind him.
She poured herself another tea and cried quietly into a Kleenex.”
Two people from different walks of life. Who each want something. And manage to get it by being kind.
We need more of Neil Gaiman’s quiet beauty in our lives.